The Basics Of Maintaining A Car Through Oil Changes

Most of the things you buy require maintenance if you use them, including your car. Your car relies on maintenance tasks to operate efficiently and well, and one of the most basic tasks your vehicle needs is oil changes. If you're a new car owner and don't understand what this is for or why you need them, you might want to continue reading. This guide explains the basics of maintaining a vehicle through routine oil changes.

What is an oil change?

An oil change is a vehicle service that you can get for your car anywhere that offers car repairs. The process takes around 20 minutes and is routine. The mechanic starts by draining the old oil from your vehicle. Next, they insert a new filter and put the plug back in place. Finally, they add new oil to your car. So, the purpose of this service is to replace the old oil with clean, new oil. When complete, they will check the oil level in your reservoir to ensure that it's the right amount.

How often should you get them?

One question many car owners have is how often they need to change their oil. However, the answer varies, and you can discuss this with your mechanic. Your mechanic can offer an answer based on your vehicle's age, make, and model. Additionally, it depends on the type of oil you use and the number of miles you drive. You might need one every few months or a few times a year, depending on these factors.

Why do you need them?

Getting oil changes ensures that your car's engine has clean oil. Your vehicle needs oil for several reasons, including lubricating the engine parts and keeping the engine cool. Old oil can't do these jobs well, but new oil can.

What happens if you don't get them?

You could encounter many problems if you don't get routine oil changes. First, your engine might fail. An engine needs clean oil for the purposes listed above. Secondly, your car might not run well. You might encounter more problems, and you might notice that your gas mileage decreases.

Schedule an oil change today

Are you ready to start caring for your vehicle properly? If so, you might want to start by scheduling an oil change. You can get an oil change by visiting a mechanic, car dealership, or oil change business in your city.  
